Friday, March 23, 2012



This Dish, made from bulgur or cracked wheat is very popular with the people of the Coastal Province of Kenya.  It is prepared in many ways by different people of Africa and Arabia and known by different names.  In the Arab world it is known as HAREES. This particular recipe, I have adapted to my taste and is very similar to the one prepared in Mombasa


1)  1½ lbs of beef/mutton, including some on the knuckle (lamb or chicken can be substituted)
2)  Powdered: seeds of 10 brown cardamoms, 15 small cardamoms, 10 p/c of 1” long cinnamon sticks and                         15 – 20 black or white peppercorns 
3)  A few of the above spices (whole, not crushed for the broth)\
4)  One small onion sliced
5)  1” p/c of ginger, slivered
6)  5 cups of bulgur wheat or cracked wheat
7)  Water: 3 cups for each cup of wheat
8)  Ghee or butter – a few spoonfuls
9)  Salt to taste
10) Sugar or honey (Optional)

(a) In a large bowl rinse the wheat clean. Cover with water and soak for several hours, preferably overnight.

(b) Prepare the broth first.  Placed the cleaned meat in a large heavy cooking pot . Add the whole spices, onion and ginger to the meat. Add enough water to cover the meat, and add a little salt.  Bring to the boil. Cover and let it simmer on medium low heat for at least an hour, or until you see that the meat is tender. Add more water if necessary. Skim and discard the froth.
Remove the meat pieces, discard the bones and set aside. 
Strain the broth, discard the whole spices, onions and ginger. Return the broth to the cooking pot.

(c) Drain the wheat.Stir the wheat into the broth and mix well. Add the meat and stir well.
Seal with foil or place a heavy weight on the lid of the pot and cook on a very slow heat for 2 – 6 hours.
Check from time to time and add a little water if necessary.  It has to be cooked until you acquire a very mushy consistency but it should not be too thick. To check if it is done, pick a little from a serving spoon and let it drop back. It should drop in portions and not in a stream. 

Towards the end of the cooking time when the wheat is completely mushy, add salt to taste and the powdered spices. Stir the spices in a little water to avoid lumps forming. Stir well.
Transfer into serving bowl and drizzle over some ghee or butter. Alternatively, the ghee or butter can be served separately and used  if desired. The sugar or honey being optional, are to be served individually too.

NOTE: To avoid burns, please be wary of splattering during the stirring process.

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