Friday, March 9, 2012




3 Cups Semolina
2 Cups Dessicated Coconut (Finely ground)
1 Cup Sugar
3/4 Cup Milk
250 gms Butter (Melted)
1 tspn Cardamom Powder
A few Blanched Almonds


In a bowl, combine semolina, coconut, sugar, cardamom powder and butter.

 Gradually pour in the milk while kneading to form a dough. This dough will be grainy. Take a baking tray that is not too deep and place the dough in, pressing it with your hand to make it even.  Using a knife, cut the dough into little square or diamond shapes.

Place a blanched almond in the centre of each cut out shape. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 230 deg C for about 30 minutes, or until the surface turns brown.

Once done, remove from oven and immediately pour on the previously prepared syrup. After pouring the syrup over it, leave it aside at room temperature, for a few hours. For best results, leave it overnight. 


Boil together 2 cups sugar, 3 cups water and juice of one lime. Do not stir syrup. Syrup should be slightly sticky. If it gets too sticky the basboosa will not absorb the syrup well. Once the syrup has cooled down, add a few drops of rose essence.

This is a 'Never Fail' recipe if you follow it precisely. There are other variations where eggs are used and sometimes yoghurt or buttermilk. But what I prefer and find best is this recipe that I have shared.


  1. question please on this recipe, the oven temperature that you have posted 230C that will be 450F is that correct? cause i have tried this recipe but i ended up burning the basbosa,please let me know Ashra

  2. Thanks for your enquiry Ashra. Yes, the temperature I have written is correct. However, different ovens vary in their temperature regulators, especially if its a gas oven. If it is a gas oven you have, then always place your tray on the middle shelf. Placing it on the bottom shelf will almost always cause it to burn. Next time, try setting the oven at a slightly lower temperature like 180 or 190 deg.C. If you see that it is browning too fast, reduce the temperature of the oven. I hope it your Basboosa turns out better next time.

  3. Hi Shama, i tried this recipe, and i think it's great. But I have done a bit of change. I used half ghee and half butter. It turns superb.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Anu Nisha. The change you did is just fine. In fact you can also use all ghee if you prefer. So long as the result is superb, all well and good...after all cooking is really all about experimenting. Enjoy!
