Friday, March 23, 2012




  • 1lb or 1 kilo Fish of your choice - cut into chunks, washed and marinated with a little lime juice, salt and turmeric powder and set aside for 30 minutes.
  • 1 large or 2 medium sized onions, finely sliced or crushed ( I use crushed)
  • A few cloves of garlic - finely chopped or crushed
  • Half an inch of  fresh ginger - finely chopped or crushed
  • 2 or 3 sticks of Cinnamon
  • 6 pieces of Cloves
  • 10 Back Peppercorn
  • 1 Bay Leaf or a few Curry Leaves (Optional)
  • 2 Medium sized tomatoes, peeled and chopped
  • Tamarind Pulp - 1 Cup (to be used according to taste)
  • Coconut Milk - 4 to 5 Cups
  • 2 Heaped tsps Chilli Powder
  • 1 Heaped tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 or 1 and a half Cup Cooking Oil
  • A few Fresh Green Chillies
  • Some sprigs of Cilantro
  • 1 to 1 and a half Cup of Cooking Oil

1) Into your pan, pour the oil and before it heats up too much, throw in the whole spices and the bay leaf if using. Let them heat up for about a minute before add the onions. If you are using curry leaves, then you will add those after you have added the whole spices and just before you add the onions.

2) Saute the onion until aromatic. They should not brown much. Add the ginger and garlic and cook further for about 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and powdered spices. Add about a cup of water. Cover and lower the heat. Let it simmer for a few minutes. 

3) Uncover, increase the heat and stir fry until oil separates and the tomatoes are mushy.  Add the tamarind pulp. Do not add all at once at this stage. Lower the heat and lay the fish pieces evenly in this sauce. Get your kitchen mittens on and firmly gripping the pan from both sides, shake the pan a bit and then swirl the sauce around. Using a spatula at this stage might break the fish pieces. If the gravy is too thick at this stage, add a little water to thin it down. Cover and let it simmer

4)  Having simmered for about 5 minutes, uncover, gently flip the fish pieces one by one using a spatula, and once again, shake and swirl the pan as described earlier.  Lower the heat and pour in the coconut milk. Now you can use the spatula for stirring but still be careful in order to not break the fish.

5) Let it come to the boil, check for salt and tanginess. Add salt and/or tamarind pulp if required. Toss in some slit green chillies, cover, switch off the flame and set aside for some minutes before serving.   Garnish with chopped cilantro and serve piping hot with boiled rice or coconut rice.

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