Wednesday, April 4, 2012



A very popular dessert that melts in the mouth! Very simple to make if you are careful with the proportions.


1 Cup Sugar


Add Sugar to a pan and heat until the sugar melts and turns a golden brown colour. You have to be very careful as the sugar can scorch easily and give a bitter taste to your custard. If you feel you will not be able to handle melting sugar on its own, add a little bit of water to it and then heat until sugar melts and gradually becomes golden brown. Take it off the heat and pour into your mould you will be using for the custard. Set aside.


I Litre Full Cream Milk
6 Large Eggs
100g Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Essence


In a bowl, add all the ingredients listed above, and whisk lightly until the sugar has dissolved. Strain this liquid into the mould in which you have already poured the caramel in.  Take a slightly larger pan and pour in some hot water. Water should be just enough to come up to halfway the height of your mould. Place the mould with the caramel custard into this pan with hot water. Place in a pre-heated oven at 375 deg F (190 C) for about 45 minutes, or until it has set. The centre will seem a little wobbly but it'll set later.  

Alternatively you can prepare in ramekins where you will obtain individual servings. 

Carefully remove the mould from the oven and let it cool to room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours to chill well.  

Once chilled, place your serving plate over the mould and invert the mould to tip out the custard in your plate. Carefully remove mould. Garnish with split blanched almonds or whipped cream or fresh fruit.


  1. Hello Shama. My name is Erlank. I am a friend of Aalia, she mentioned your cooking blog to me. I would like to say that I find your recipes refreshingly easy to follow, and that your Caramel Custard looks absolutely divine (I have a sweet tooth you couldn't carry away with a dolly haha). I would also like to recommend an idea for your blog: cooking ABCs. I think it would be a fantastic addition, the basics about cooking and baking for beginners (like me). Cooking is not my strong point but I look forward to attempting this particular recipe, and I hope to see more recipe additions to our blog soon! (and perhaps you could invite Aalia to add her culinary creations, too as she seems quite the accomplished chef, having learnt from you:)

    1. Hello Erlank and thank you so very much for your comments. Cooking and baking happen to be a couple of my passions. I still have a lot to add to this blog before it can even begin to appear complete :) I have read your suggestions and will definitely consider them. Yes, Aalia is quite a chef in her own category by now...and you will see one of her own creations on this her own good time that is!! But I really do appreciate your comments here. There are many people who have taken recipes from here and never bothered to write any comment - even if only to say how their dish turned out..LOL. Anyway, nice to meet you. Do try some of these recipes and let me know how they turned out. Any tips you might need for any basic cooking or baking - please do feel free to ask. Take Care.

    2. It was nice to meet you too Shama. I hear many good things about you, Aalia loves you to bits. And you are very welcome. It seems only polite, that if you take the time to share with people and enhance their lives that they at the very least acknowledge you for it. I think a blog by definition is never complete as it is in time stream format - there's always the next recipe:) Aalia just recently shared with me her Potato Casserole (which i'm a little intimidated by..and she says it's easy to make haha). I wonder if it's the one that will appear on your blog. Seeing photos along with the instructions would make it a lot easier. And if i have any questions i will certainly ask both of you, thank you. Keep well!
