Wednesday, April 4, 2012




1) 1lb (Half Kg) Plain Flour
2) 2 Level tsps Salt
3) One Fourth Pint (125ml) Milk
4) I Level Tbsps Dried Yeast in One Fourth Pint Warm Water in which a tsp of sugar has been dissolved and left for 10 minutes until frothy
5) 3 Tbsp chopped Mixed Peel
6) 2 Tbsp Chopped Raisins
7) 1 tsp Coarsely Crushed Fennel Seeds
8) 4 Tbsp Cooking Oil
9) A few drops of Yellow Food Colour  (Optional)
10) A little sesame seeds (For Sprinkling)
11) One Egg White (For Brushing)


Mix the dry ingredients with milk, oil and yeast liquid. Add the dried fruits and food colour.  Work to a firm but soft dough, adding a little extra flour if necessary until it leaves the sides of the bowl clean. Knead well, cover it airtight and leave to rise in a warm place, until double in size. 

Knock back the dough and transfer on working top. Divide into 12 equal sized pieces, shape into round balls, and place in a greased 8 inch square tin.

Brush with egg white and sprinkle a little sesame seeds on each roll.

Make sure you place them apart. Place the baking tin with the rolls in a greased polythene bag until doubled in size.

Once doubled in size, bake on the middle shelf of a hot oven (125 deg F, 218 deg C, Gas Mark 7) for about 40 minutes.

Brush with melted butter and turn out of tin