Wednesday, April 4, 2012



These are kababs that have their origin in the northern areas of Pakistan. Chapli kabab will be seen on almost every local food outlet in Peshwar and its surrounding areas. Every kabab maker has their recipe for this very delicious kabab.  There are some basic ingredients without which it won't have its significant taste. Spices, however will vary. This particular recipe I have perfected to my taste using spices that I feel improve the overall taste and also the making of the kabab is adapted to suit a household kitchen.


1 Kg fine mince of either Beef or Mutton (The authentic recipe requires Beef)
2 Heaped Tbsps Ginger and Garlic Paste
2 Medium Sized Shallots - finely chopped or crushed
2 Tomatoes - finely chopped
2 Cups Cornmeal
Some cooking oil for shallow frying

2 Tbsp Zeera (Cumin Seeds)
A few Cloves
A few sticks of Cinnamon
10 to 15 Large Brown Cardamom
10 to 15 Small Green Cardamom
Some Red Button Chillies
8 Heaped Tbsps Coriander Seeds (slightly
crushed to split each seed in 2)
5 Tbsp Pomegranate Seeds (Dried) 
1 or 2 Eggs
Salt to taste


In a grinder, place all the whole spices and pomegranate seeds (except the coriander seeds) and crush well. The pomegranate seeds will not powder too much but that is how it should be. Some people prefer to add the pomegranate seeds as whole, but I find that it sticks in the teeth, so I prefer to have it crushed. 

Next, place the mince in a large bowl and add the crushed spices, salt, and the coriander seeds, ginger and garlic paste, and the chopped tomatoes. Mix well and add the cornmeal. Mix everything together with your hand, almost kneading it. Pat it flat, cover and keep aside for a while. Best to keep it in the fridge for some hours. The longer you keep it, the better all the spices will marinate, which no doubt improves the flavour . 

When you are ready to fry the kababs, add the egg(s) and mix well. Place the frying pan with the oil on heat while you shape the kabab. The awkward part is to shape the kababs and transfer them to the frying pan without breaking them, so here is a method that helps.

Spread out a piece of plastic wrap on your worktop. Take a portion of the mince, roll it into a ball and place it on the plastic wrap. Flatten it out a little.

Place another piece of plastic wrap over the kabab.

Pat and flatten into a circular shape. Do not flatten it thin.

Once you have the desired thickness and shape, gently lift off the upper plastic wrap.

Next, slip your hand under the plastic wrap, gently easing the kabab onto your palm. Then invert it into your other palm, lifting off the plastic wrap. 

Carefully slip the kabab into the hot oil. Take care not to splash any oil on your hand. Let it cook on medium heat for about 2 minutes or until you see that the edges begin to brown.

Ease the kabab onto your spatula and with the aid of a second spatula, flip it over to cook the other side, also for about 2 minutes. This kabab can not be turned over time to time as it will break. You have to flip it over only once. After it is well browned, transfer it plate lined with absorbent paper. Repeat the process with the rest of the mince. 

For garnishing, fry some thickly sliced tomatoes in the same oil, and pat them onto each kabab and slightly flatten them with the spatula. Serve hot with Naan and chutney of your choice.

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