Sunday, June 10, 2012



This is a sweet dish made from rice and very popular in East Africa, especially during the the Holy Month of Ramadhan. Here is my recipe that I have developed to perfection after many trials and errors! You have to be very careful of the proportion of ingredients used and pay particular attention to the final consistency of the batter. 


  • 2 cups good quality Rice (Soaked overnight or for at least 6 hours)
  • 4 Cups of Coconut Milk
  • 3 tsps instanst yeast
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 heaped tsp Crushed Cardamom
  • 3 Cardamom Pods
  • Some Sesame Seeds (Optional)
  • Half Cup Ghee (Clarified Butter) OR oil 

1) Drain the rice, and tip into the blender jug, add 3 cups of coconut milk and start blending. This will take some time - so keep blending from time to time, giving brief resting periods to your blender, until the batter is very smooth. To test, take a little amount and rub between your fingers; it should not feel grainy at all. It should be satin smooth as shown in the pics below. Pour the batter into a bowl.

2) Add the instant yeast and using a whisk, stir to make sure it incorporates well. Cover the bowl airtight and leave in a warm place to ferment. This should take about 40 minutes. 

3) Once fermented, you will see that it has doubled in size and will be very frothy.

4) Whisk it down and add the sugar, crushed cardamom and 1 cup of coconut milk. Whisk the batter smooth making sure there are no lumps. The final consistency should drop from a spoon in a thin creamy stream.

5) Pre-heat the oven at 160 deg.C

6) Place a heavy based pan (about 8/9 inches diameter in base) on heat. Heat well until almost smoking hot. Pour in the clarified butter or oil, add 3 coarsely crushed cardamom pods and quickly pour in the prepared butter, aimed at the centre of the pan. 

Lower heat immediately. Sprinkle some sesame seeds if using. Let cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then cover the pan with aluminum foil. Place the pan in the pre-heated oven and let bake for about 20 to 30 minutes, or until the cake is firm. To check, insert a thin metal skewer, if it comes out clean, the cake is done. Remove the foil and bake further for a few minutes to brown the top. Remove from oven and let it cool completely before removing from pan. For removing from pan you will have to ease your hand under the cake to loosen it. Then using your fingers from both hands, gently lift it out and place it on your serving plate.



  1. Replies
    1. Hello Yvonne. Good to know that you will be giving this a try. Please follow the instructions to the letter, as one little mistake can turn this dish into a disaster. I am not trying to discourage you! Only asking you to be very careful in following each step of the recipe. I hope it turns out well! :)

    2. thank so much, i want to try, but you didn't mention when to add the yeast...i'm guessing right after blending the rice with the coconut milk? many thanks,

    3. Thanks for your comment Michelle Suocie and for pointing out my mistake. I am sorry for having omitted that crucial step in instructions. I have now made the necessary adjustments and you can refer to the recipe again.

  2. I've been looking for a good mkate wa sinia recipe for some time now until I came across yours. Tried it out yesterday and I must say I'm so happy with the results; moist, tender and it had that some of that 'jelly' like texture...just that I think i'll cut down a little on the ghee next attempt. But overall its a tried and tested recipe that works and one that i'll be sticking to. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you! This was my mom’s blog, she is no more but I’m sure she would have been ecstatic to now about your review. She was a great chef. :)

    2. I always come now and then on the blog to check out this recipe. Just saw your comment Samya and even though I didn't know your mum I felt so connected to her through the recipes she has shared. I have to say, I'm so saddened to know that she is not with us...may Allah grant her Jannatul Firdaus. Bless her and reward her greatly for her kindness and generosity that she has shared with us through this blog. I will always make duaa for her every time I use her recipe. So sorry for your loss.

  3. I tried this following the exact instructions. It turned out to be too soft.

  4. Can you tell me what brand of coconut milk? The one come in can?

    1. I think the 4 cups coconut milk may need to be adjusted so the consistency is not too runny, am I right?

    2. I do apologise, this was my mom’s blog and she is no more. I hope you figured out the recipe and it turned out great for you! ❤️

  5. Assalamualaikum. Thank you so much for such an amazing recipe. Just a quick question; is the coconut milk supposed to be thick or light?

    1. Hello. This was my mom’s blog, she passed away in 2017. I hope you figured it out and the recipe turned out well! :)

  6. My blender was too hot and cooked the mixture... :(

    1. I’m sorry to hear that! I hope it worked out for you on your second or third attempt. :)

  7. For the first time after using this recipe my mkate was sinia turned out good. May Allah forgive your mum and have mercy on her and grant her Jannatul Firdaus Ameen
