Tuesday, July 10, 2012



Here is a guide to get perfectly boiled eggs, with boiling times according to size of egg. These are timing for eggs that are at room temperature before boiling.


Large - 3 Minutes
Standard - 2¾ Minutes
Medium - 2½ Minutes

FOR MEDIUM BOILED EGGS (Hard Whites, Soft Yolks)

Large - 4½ Minutes
Standard - 4 Minutes
Medium - 3½ Minutes


Large - 8 Minutes
Standard - 7 Minutes
Medium - 6 Minutes

TIP: If an egg should crack during cooking, add 1 teaspoonful of salt to the water to congeal the escaping water. To be on the safe side, its best to add salt to the water before you drop in the eggs. To set the yolks right in the centre, keep swirling the eggs with a spoon for the first minute of cooking time.


Bring the eggs to a boil, then cover pan with lid.  Remove pan from heat and leave in a warm place for 8 - 10 minutes. The white will just be set and yolk soft.


Poaching means to cook in hot, but not boiling water. The result is a satiny egg which looks and tastes delicious.  In a shallow pan, add water to a depth of about 1 inch.  Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat to the gentlest simmer. The water should be as still as possible.

Crack an egg into a bowl or a cup. Slip it gently into the water. Do not drop it in. Cook for about 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon. If poaching more than one egg, remove them from pan in the order they were put in.


Take 2 eggs, separate yolks from whites. Whisk the yolks with 1 eggshellful of
cold water and a shake of salt and pepper. Whisk until until they are pale in colour.  Whisk the whites until they are just stiff. Lightly fold the stiff egg whites into the yolk mixture. 

Light the grill. Melt about a tablespoonful of butter in a pan over moderate heat.  When hot, pour in the egg mixture. Cook without moving the mixture. Once the bottom of the egg mixture is golden brown, place under the hot grill or bake in a hot oven, until the top just begins to turn golden. This takes a very short time - just about a minute.  Fold in half and the slide the souffle onto a hot plate and serve immediately.


1) For sweet omelette, add a dessertspoonful of castor sugar to the yolks instead of salt and pepper. Dust the top of the souffle with icing sugar just before serving.

2)  Use any fresh ripe or canned fruit. Prepare a thick pulp using some of its own juice. You may also add orange or lemon zest to the yolks before whisking them.

3)  Add a level tablespoonful of chopped mixed herbs to the mixture before cooking.

4)  Add some grated cheese to the eggs before cooking and sprinkle some on top just before serving.

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