Tuesday, July 10, 2012




The best potatoes for mashing are red, white or new potatoes.  Boil some potatoes. Better to boil whole potatoes with skin on (make sure to wash and scrub them well before boiling). Remove from water when done and peel off the skin. OR you can peel and cube the potatoes and then put them in water to boil. Once done, drain and mash.

Tip the potatoes in a wide container and mash thoroughly with potato masher or use an electric beater. If using electric beater, make sure you have roughly mashed them with a potato masher or a fork before beating. Keep aside.

Warm 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls (Or more if you want) of milk, add a good shake of freshly ground black pepper. Add a good knob of butter and stir until butter has melted.  Beat this hot liquid into the potatoes using a wooden spoon.  Continue beating until smooth and fluffy. Add a little salt if you wish. 
These are proportions for 1lb or 1/2 kilo of potatoes.  


Best to use freshly boiled potatoes. While still hot, cut them into slices or cube them into dices.  Toss in 2-3 tablespoonfuls of French Dressing and add 3 or 4 chopped spring onions. When cool, mix well with mayonnaise and sprinkle some chives before serving.

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