Wednesday, February 1, 2017




2 Tbsp. butter, melted
½ cup milk
 2 eggs
 ½ cup flour
a pinch of salt
 a dash of cinnamon and/or nutmeg
 1 tsp. vanilla extract or essence 


1. Mix all ingredients together using a whisk. Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and let chill in the fridge for at least an hour, or even overnight.

2. Pre-heat a non-stick skillet or large frying pan to allow the pan to heat very evenly, first heat a bit of oil over very low heat for at least 10 minutes. Then wipe up the oil with the paper towel (or put it to use, if you think your pan requires a little oil or butter to be truly non-stick). I always remove pan from heat before pouring and spreading the batter. After it's spread out, return pan to heat. 

3. Scoop up about ¼ cup of the batter in a ladle and swirl it evenly onto your cooking surface. (Or if using a wooden T-shaped crêpe rake or crêpe spreader, pour the batter into the center, and gently spin the crêpe spreader around in a circle, keeping the tool over the center without moving it out to the edges; the batter will spread out as it twirls. Rinse off the crêpe spreader in between crêpes to make sure no batter has stuck to it.)

4. Let cook for about a minute on the first side - until your crêpe is cooked through and appears easy to flip– and about 20 seconds on the reverse side.  Once flipped but while still over the heat, add any crêpe toppings that need to be melted a bit, such as cheese, cinnamon sugar, or nutella. Otherwise, transfer to a plate and serve with optional toppings, such as applesauce, fresh fruit and yogurt. 

5) I have served mine with applesauce and some cream dotted with honey. 

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